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Salem Bike Club store has water bottles!!
get them while supplies last!!
Link to SBC Store


Covered bridge 2024

Covered Bridge 2024
Members at Start

Bike Club Goes Ironman

More than 2,500 competitors swam, cycled and ran through Salem and along River Road on Sunday, July 21. Once they arrived at Aid Station No. 2, they could rest assured they were in good hands.

That's because 30 volunteers representing the Salem Bicycle Club were there to provide water and anything else contestants needed.

Early reports indicate the bike club will be staffing Aid Station No. 2 for years to come.


Joanne Heilinger Memorial Day Ride


A group of almost 30 riders made their way to Torvend Road to pay their respects to Joanne Heilinger, a longtime, active member of the Salem Bicycle Club who passed away in April 2022. John Henry, her husband, spoke and thanked all for coming out. It was a beautiful day for remembering Joanne as they rode along one of her favorite routes. A few stopped at EZ Orchards on the way back to indulge in some wonderful Strawberry Shortcake.


Paving the Path to Wellness Fair at Capitol Mall

Salem Bicycle Club was well received on Wednesday under rainy conditions sharing bike tips, safe cycling and providing the many benefits of being a SBC Club member. 

Board members Tim Newman, Debbie Miller, Norm Johnson, and Rob Gramenz (not pictured) engaged with employees of the Capitol for fun, games, and benefits of riding bicycles and being a part of our club. Norm took the lead, drawing people in and giving a rich history of biking, our club, and the health benefits. Debbie created a wonderful wheel of knowledge to spin, answer questions, and give away bike reflectors. Rob Gramenz offered useful bike knowledge and sharing information from the League of American Bicyclists.

We also were able to connect with Salem DMV and Oregon Lottery who are having their own wellness fairs and have asked us to participate.


Ride of Silence 2024

A crowd of more than 50 riders descended on Marion Street Wednesday, May 15, to participate in the annual Ride of Silence and pay tribute to someone either killed or injured while biking, or themselves surviving getting hit by a driver. 

With two City Council members on hand and others sharing their reasons for riding, the procession took the streets to ride silently, feeling sadness and trying to make sense of these senseless tragedies that could have been avoided if vehicles worked on sharing the road.

Salem Bicycle Club and Salem Bike Vision co-hosted the event to help raise awareness of the need for more dedicated space for bicyclists. Tim Newman (SBC) and Ian Davidson (SBV) both said the turnout and support was wonderful, but we can do better to raise the awareness that bicyclists just want to be able to share the roadways and feel safe.

The Salem Bicycle Club has promoted recreational biking and bicycle advocacy since 1969.

Join Us!

Insurance Liability Release Form


Board Meetings

The Salem Bicycle Club Board of Directors meets at 6:30 p.m. on the second Wednesday of each month, most often via Zoom online conferencing. Any member interested in participating can join by simply requesting a website link to the meeting.

Click here and send us a request.


Board Minutes

The minutes for each meeting are posted for members' review.

                                                                Click here to find the minutes.

                                                                          SBC Financials
                                 The financials for the club are posted for members' review
                                                                Financials January 2024
                                                                Financials February 2024
                                                                Financials March 2024
                                                                Financials April 2024
                                                                Financials May 2024
                                                                Financials June 2024
                                                                 Financials July 2024

Expand Your Cycling Horizons

We have compiled a list of cycling events throughout Oregon and the Pacific Northwest.

Take at look at where you can ride next!

Scenes from the 2024 Monster Cookie Metric Century Ride

Monster Cookie 2024
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